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Expressions Front Cover - small.jpg

(actual cover may differ slightly)

2021 Student Poetry Collection


Missed the deadline?

 It's not too late to be published!

If you missed the September 10th deadline
for mailing back the author release and order form for Expressions
please note:  
We may still be able to include your child's poem in the book!
Please mail your child's signed release form

and payment for any books ordered, without delay.
We will do what we can to still include your child.
If we can't, we can still publish your child’s poem, in our next compilation, 
scheduled for fall 2022.
Simply cross out the title "Expressions"
and print the words "Fall 2022" on the release and order form 
and send it along with payment for any books ordered to the address on the form. 
2021 prices will still be honored if the current release and order form is used.
Your order and your child's poem will then be for the 2022 book, 
with delivery in early December of 2022.
If, by chance, we receive the release and order in time to include the poem in Expressions, we will do that, even if "Expressions" has been crossed out

and changed to "Fall 2022". 
About 30 business days after you mail your form, please check the order status page.  
If delivery says 2021 or 2022, that indicates which December you will receive your order with your child's published poem.


​Excitement is growing in anticipation of our new 2021 Student Poetry Collection.

Expressions will bring critical acclaim to the work of many exceptional young authors
from across the United States.

Did you know that only a small percentage

of students who submit poetry will be published?
In fact, less than 20 percent of all submissions
will be included in the new 2021 Student Poetry Collection.

Any author whose work we have offered to showcase in Expressions
must sign and return the "Artist's Release" form to authorize us to print the poem,
but all rights to the poem itself remain with the author.

The "Artist's Release" form also serves as an "Order" form.
To download, click here.


An Initial Author's copy of Expressions is available for $32.95 plus $7 shipping/handling.
Additional copies are $25 each with no additional shipping/handling.  
(Shipping/Handling is $7 per order regardless of quantity)
Payment must be included with your order in the form of a check or money order, 
payable to:  The America Library of Poetry.

Mail release and order form to:
The America Library of Poetry
P.O. Box 978
Houlton, ME 04730


If you submitted a book order for Expressions
you may check your order status here.

For further inquiries, please contact us.

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