Winning Entries
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"Gifted" 2005 National Student Poetry Contest
(Original Submission Deadline of April 30, 2005) - Winners Announced September 30, 2005.
Click here to read the poems by the Division Winners (1st and 2nd place)
Division I
(grades 4-5)
Brittany Cormier
Chené Benoit - Runner Up
Division II
(grades 6-7)
Emily Graham
Bailey McCann - Runner Up
Division III
(grades 8-9)
Victoria Adel Gibson
Liz Gildea - Runner Up
Division IV
(grades 10-12)
Sara Marie Johnson
Adam Valdez - Runner Up
Editor's Choice Award and Grand Prize Winner
Sara Marie Johnson for poem entitled, "Father"
"School's Out Shopping Spree" Winner
Jacey Holliday
"Video Entertainment Package" Winner
Chris Schweitzer
2005 Spirit of Education Award Winner
Almond Tree Middle School of Delano, California